Glasgow Medical Practice

Project Background:

Unlike directly legislated issues such as noise, hazardous substances and vibration, indoor air quality and related stressors (including some human factors) is not a black and white subject. Virus transmission by air has been identified as a huge risk and particularly in doctors’ surgeries during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to maintain good air quality,  free from harmful particles.

Increasingly, evidence is showing that indoors the 2m advised distance between people is not enough to prevent coronavirus transmission. Airborne transmission of COVID-19 relies on the virus being attached to a host (often an aerosol or moisture particulate). Genano’s air purification technology is used in hospitals and various properties around the world and has been proven to provide efficient enough filtration to eliminate viruses, including COVID-19, from indoor air by 99.999%.

Glasgow  Medical  Practice is one health centre that benefits from a Genano air purification unit and a study was carried out to assess air quality within the practice.


A survey was carried out at Glasgow Medical Practice to ascertain the air quality with a particular focus on the efficiency on the Genano air purifier installed in the waiting room of the practice. The ventilation performance was considered as well as the general air quality as a result of the air purifying device.

Potential pollutants that could cause specific health complaints were investigated with a particular focus to those contained within circulating bioaerosols, indicated by leaves of yeasts and moulds, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, general nuisance dust and VOC’s. Oxygen, air temperature and relative humidity were also measure


Prior to the site survey, staff from the surgery had commented that the Genano unit was very effective at odour minimisation, particularly in the waiting room of the surgery which was an early indication of the efficiency of air filtration.

The survey took place over 2 days and compared to when the Genano unit was not running, findings showed that there isa notable reduction in bacterial fractions in circulating aerosols for both total viable counts,and the yeasts and mould concentrations from bacteria normally present in indoor air.

Overall, the air quality was generally good and the levels of Carbon Dioxide indicated that sufficient fresh air was being provided for the wider building. Air movement levels also indicated that air was circulating effectively but not to an excessive rate and that outside pollutants were not a significant impact on the environment.


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