Within the care environment,people can be in confined spaces for a prolonged length of time, leading to therapid spread of infection and serious illness within the residents. Mainly, dueto comprised immune systems or other health matters; putting the health of thecare staff at risk which ultimately results in staff absences due to sickness,causing the residents to become distressed when familiar faces are no longerthere, thus increasing costs to enable such scenarios to be covered.
A usual indicator of poor air quality within a building is people feeling ill,with symptoms ceasing once they have left. The most common sources of aircontamination are poorly maintained heating and ventilation systems, pollutionexternally, dated buildings and poor cleaning regimes. In addition to goodventilation, people have become more aware of the importance of air quality andits effect on their health and well-being in various industries. Studies haveproven that where there is poor ventilation and air quality the increase of illness,colds, cases of flu, and Covid-19 can all be linked to harming people’s overallhealth.
Archway is a parent-led localcharity based in Aberdeen providing care and support to children and adultswith learning disabilities and their families.
Archway was founded inAberdeen in 1986 by a group of parents of children with learning disabilitieswho were looking for respite.
They initially had an issuewith ventilation at one of their units, a recurring problem that had tested thecharity for several years, it was highlighted when the pandemic first started. Looking into air purification and notjust ventilation was something that had previously been suggested to them. To solvetheir issue, they decided to study air quality control further and found GenanoTechnology through their UK importer and Distributor, KSG Health Ltd.
With their partners, Safewell Solutions Ltd and WorkerHealth Protection Ltd, KSG Health Ltd conducted a study into the airflow, CO2 and microbial levels and recordedthe temperatures experienced at different times of the day. This was donebefore and after Genano devices were in the premises. The results found thatGenano devices were highly effective in significantly reducing microbial levelsin that locality and Archway have since invested in the devices.
The Genano Technology that KSGHealth Ltd provide offers cutting edge technology in air purification. We keep our work on and off site professional and the leastintrusive as possible. In the longer term, we expect to see areduction in staff absence and illness. We recognise that risk cannot beeliminated completely but if we can reduce and minimise the risk then webelieve we should endeavour to do so. Where the Genano devices are operatingcomments have been made by the staff and visitors that the air appears to befresher.
“From the beginning, KSG Health havebeen extremely helpful in arranging the delivery, deciding the location of thedevices within each Archway unit to maximise the benefits, stafftraining etc and have been in regular contact since to ensure everythingcontinues to run smoothly. Resultsfrom the two three units where they are currently locatedcontinue to prove positive and consideration will be given to purchasingadditional units for our other houses. It’s all about risk reduction, notelimination.” – James Sangster, Chairman of Archway Charity