The principal of Kirkonkylä School in Hämeenkyrö, Western Finland describes:
”The Kirkonkylä School was built in the end of the 60s and it represents the architectural style of that time. The building has a flat roof, low plinth and no eaves to guide rainwater. Ten years ago, an indoor air quality problem was found in the building. The problems are due to both inadequate central ventilation, and the material and construction errors made 20 years ago in connection with a large renovation.
In recent years, there have been efforts to renovate and seal parts of the school. However, the enhanced ventilation has led to different fine particles being released from the structures. They weaken the quality of indoor air and cause e.g. skin and eye symptoms to many of the people staying in the school.
The exposure of students and staff to IAQ problems is followed yearly by surveys. Partly because of these survey results, we decided to equip every classroom and staff work space with a Genano air purifier. We have altogether about 30 air purifiers in use.
Before the purchase decision, I had a reserved or even a very sceptical attitude towards Genano air purifiers. Mostly I was suspicious of their efficiency and I was worried that they may cause extra noise.
The air purifiers have now been in use for 2–3 years and they have proven to be a working and effective system which improves the indoor air quality in a significant way. This observation is also supported by the yearly surveys to the students and the staff.
Also the concern about their noise has proved to be needless. With the proper placement of the air purifiers, and by adjusting the air flow, the noise discomfort can be prevented.
We live in a country where there is pure nature very close to every one of us. Still a large number of Finns are exposed daily to indoor air quality problems in sick buildings, at homes, in schools and at work. If the problems are not addressed early and effectively enough, many people will get sick in vain.
From a humane and economical point of view this is a great tragedy. I believe and from experience now know that Genano air purifiers can be used to improve indoor air quality in sick buildings.”